Art with purpose

The Fine Art of sharing the planet, rather than conquering it

Renowned Works and Recent Releases


Air Jaws

I shot this image in 2001 in the heart of Seal Island’s prime predation zone, and very quickly the iconic shot climbed the tiers to

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Contrary to popular belief, the life of a male lion is not easy. Although male lions are more often than not seen lying down or

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chris fallows and shark

Chris Fallows

I have had the almost unparalleled privilege to experience iconic wildlife in a way few people have ever had. My aim is to honour this privilege by creating some of the world’s finest wildlife fine art that does justice to my iconic subjects. I wish to create works of art that are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also have meaning and are a contribution to change.

New Release

November 2023

Whilst watching a courtship dance is incredible, watching a mature pair of birds that have been loyal partners for decades greet each other after reuniting at the nest after many days absence, is to witness something truly moving.
